Religious Education

The religious education teachers instruct the youth of Saint Mary’s on the teaching of the church and the bible and prepare them for the sacraments.  Classes range from preschool to confirmation, from ages 4-18.  It is our joint responsibility to provide our young people with the religious education opportunities that will promote their spiritual growth.  The Religious Education staff does its part, but we need the support and cooperation of the parents in order to make the program successful.

Religious education classes meet every Sunday from 11:15 to 12:15, September through May, at the church.  We are always in need of new teachers.  No experience is necessary:  Training and materials will be provided.

RCIA instruction is also available as needed.

If you would like more information about religious instruction, teaching or assisting, please contact the Parish Office or Brian Dudley.

Helpful Links
Virtus Online
Communication Center:  religious education materials Lesson plans, reflections and craft ideas