9900 Thomas Nelson Hwy, Lovingston, Virginia 22949
Phone (434) 263-8509

“St. Mary’s is a Roman Catholic community based on faith. We are committed to celebrating the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We believe we are called to serve the Lord and our community.”

St. Mary’s Parish is committed to the discipleship of Jesus Christ in each of its members. We will encourage discipleship by providing educational programs for spiritual growth to include all age groups. We will promote and maintain our growing Christ centered ministries strengthening the family where ever possible. We will endeavor to understand and be accepting of every culture represented in our community with the goal of sharing the message and love of Christ with everyone we encounter.

Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule (horario de misas)
St. Mary’s (Lovingston)
Sunday 10:00 A.M. (English)
Domingo 12:30 P.M. (Español)

Wednesday 10:00 A.M. – (English)

1st & 2nd Friday of month 10:00 A.M. – (English)
3rd & 4th Friday (Viernes) of month 7:00 P.M. – (Español)
(If there is 5th Friday 10:00 A.M. English)

Confession: (Sunday /Domingo) 9:30-10:50 A.M. and 11:45 – 12:20 P.M. 

St. Francis of Assisi (Amherst)
Saturday 5:00 P.M. 
Sunday 8:00 A.M. (No Mass – 1st Sunday) 
Wednesday 1:00 P.M. 

Confession: Saturday 4:30 – 4:50 P.M.

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Daily Reading

Daily Reading...

  • Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

    Readings for the Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, bishop and doctor of the Church Reading 1  IS 1:10-17 Hear the word of the LORD, princes of Sodom! Listen to the instruction of our God, people of Gomorrah! What care I for the number of your sacrifices? says the LORD. I have had enough of whole-burnt rams and fat of fatlings; In the blood of calves,  » Read more about: Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church  »Read More »



Facebook address and how to donate electronically

FIND US ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/groups/616666051719052/

eGIVING AT ST. MARY’S:            We have contracted with Faith Direct www.faithdirect.net, a highly regarded electronic giving provider based in Alexandria, VA.  Under this program, you can have your contributions to St. Mary’s automatically deducted from your bank account.  So easy takes about 5 minutes.  See or call Jerry Gress our bookkeeper (703) 405-6804 if you have any questions.